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Annual Report

CIFOR 2016

Putting forests and people on the global agenda

The world is gearing up for action on climate change and sustainable development. In 2016, CIFOR research showed how putting landscapes and forests at the fore can promote integrated action with better outcomes for human well-being, equity and the environment.

Stepping up to the new climate and development agenda

Our new ten-year strategy evolved from a deep understanding of the many ways forestry contributes to sustainable development. Our work is grounded by a three-pillar approach that spans six thematic work areas, which are aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CIFOR and the SDGs








CIFOR by the numbers

Pillar 1. Research
for impact
22 Books 32 Infobriefs
59 Chapters 21 Occasional papers
204 Journal articles:
60% in Open Access journals
citations (29/day)
Visit through Google Books:
25% increase from 2015
Pillar 2. Capacity
Formal training
29 PhDs
53 MSc/MA
5 BSc/BA
25 women
62 men
Short-term training
1,316 women
1,046 men
Pillar 3. Outreach and engagement
54 Funding partners 26 Research institutes
103 Partners 34 Universities
130 Memoranda of understanding 29 Letters of agreement
active projects
with strong
gender focus
17 events organized
or supported, with
32,774 attendees
345 articles viewed
167,389 times on
Forests News
31 analysis viewed
87,434 times on
Forests News

CIFOR’s contribution to the global policy dialogue gained more international recognition this year.

out of 100 top Climate Think Tanks

International Center for Climate Governance

out of 95 top Environment Policy Think Tanks

Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program: Global Go To Think Tank Index Report

CIFOR and its partners contribute to the following global processes, frameworks, panels and conventions:

CIFOR launched a set of key performance indicators in 2016 to chart our impact through research, capacity development and engagement, and to measure our operational performance.

Climate change, energy and low carbon development
Sustainable landscapes & food
Forest management & restoration
Forest and human well-being
Equal opportunities, gender, justice and tenure
Value chains, finance and investments

Gender across CIFOR’s work

CIFOR takes a rights-based approach to gender equality. Beyond the simple recognition that failing to understand local-level gender dynamics can skew research findings, we ground our work in the idea that all humans deserve an equal opportunity to thrive. Understanding gender dynamics is both a focus of specific research projects and a key aspect in all of CIFOR’s activities.

Things are still framed in terms of women as victims of climate change. This whole stereotyping needs to shift, and we should really focus on gender quality and women's' empowerment as a goal in their own right, not because victims need to be saved

Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, CIFOR Scientist

More on gender


Thematic work areas

  • SDGs in
Under the Paris Agreement, countries are ramping up to meet their climate change commitments while also moving toward their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. CIFOR is working at the nexus of climate change, energy and low-carbon development to deliver integrated ecological, social and economic information to policy makers and practitioner communities in these countries. We also support, with information, analysis and tools, actors working in the international climate policy arena.
Climate change, energy and low-carbon development highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

Three new toolboxes to tackle climate change

A map of the world’s carbon-rich wetlands, a REDD+ cost model and a simple tool to compute carbon stocks in different landscapes …

Top 10 publications of 2016

A ‘match made in Paris’ between adaptation and mitigation, tips for better transparency in carbon reporting, and sea level rise in mangroves …

  • SDGs in
Forest communities have an intimate understanding of their natural resources and can manage them effectively – if they have the rights to their land and gain benefit from forests and trees. Women hold much of this knowledge and, when they are free to make key decisions, can help transform the physical and cultural landscape. And when land and forest tenure laws are clear, local and international investors will help sustainable forest-based enterprises grow.
Equal opportunities, gender, justice and tenure highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

A forum for indigenous women and land rights

Women across Peru shared different perspectives and common challenges on land rights issues…

Top 10 publications of 2016

Land rights in mangrove forests, women and REDD+ in Vietnam, and a new book on gender and forests …

  • SDGs in
CIFOR is working to help countries meet their restoration targets, as momentum builds for the Bonn Challenge, the World Resources Institute Initiative 20×20 and other global plans to restore millions of hectares of forest by 2020. Focusing on two main areas, diversified forest management and forest landscape restoration, this work aims to address factors that help or hinder rural people’s access to forest resources and to find more equitable ways to manage forests for better productivity.
Forest management and restoration highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

Protecting biodiversity and strengthening capacity in the Congo

Closing the gap between university forestry researchers and local communities …

Top 10 publications of 2016

Research and analysis on forest management and restoration from Chile to Cameroon to Colombia …

  • SDGs in
Tens of millions of rural households in tropical countries gain significant income, food, fuel and shelter from forests. But this fact is often underappreciated or ignored by strict conservation approaches and poverty-reduction policies. This can lead to missed opportunities and unintended consequences that further drive forest loss and undercut rural livelihoods. A better understanding of how forests contribute to human well-being will give policy makers the evidence base they need to make effective decisions that support both forests and people.
Forests and human well-being highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

Changing behaviors, saving trees

Lessons in REDD+ benefit-sharing from experimental games and an online tool …

Top 10 publications of 2016

Research findings and recommendations from the Amazon to Burkina Faso to Lao PDR …

  • SDGs in
One billion people worldwide rely to varying degrees on forests for food and income. Wild meat and freshwater fish are essential to the diets of some vulnerable rural communities. And both subsistence and industrial farming systems depend on trees and forests for water and climate regulation, pollination and pest control. As competition for land grows, countries are looking for strategies to lower poverty while building environmental resilience. Landscape approaches have the potential to resolve local challenges and meet national commitments.
Sustainable landscapes and food highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

Everything you wanted to know about bushmeat

A new website, database and map to track bushmeat research across the tropics ...

Top 10 publications of 2016

Research and analysis on forest foods, child nutrition and integrated landscape approaches …

  • SDGs in
The current push by private sector companies, governments and financial services providers to promote and invest in activities that contribute to sustainable development and reduce pressures on forests is driving a transformation in how timber, palm oil, soy, sugar and beef are produced. CIFOR aims to facilitate innovations in public policy, business models, private investments and finance to stimulate the sustainable and inclusive supply of timber from natural and planted forests, enhance sustainable production of high-value tree crops and reduce the impacts of agricultural expansion in forests.
Value chains, finance and investments highlights

2016 achievements, expert analysis, global outreach, top news, videos and presentations, and photo album

Oil palm game reaches new heights in Cameroon

A group of high-level policy makers in Cameroon’s oil palm sector gain first-hand experience of smallholders struggles ...

Top 10 publications of 2016

Satellite mapping, informal timber and the African land rush …

CIFOR’s work is possible thanks to the financial support of our Funding Partners and the collaboration of our Strategic Partners. We work closely with a range of local and international organizations and institutions to deliver research projects with the greatest potential impact.


CIFOR leads the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)

CIFOR is currently a member of these CGIAR Research Programs: