Tools for learning
Three new toolboxes to tackle climate change
Climate change science is complex. We try to make it accessible and usable. CIFOR’s climate change, energy and low-carbon development team is working on how to use forests, trees and agroforestry resources to mitigate climate change, how people and forests can adapt to climate change, how to make bioenergy from trees contribute to reduced emissions and livelihoods, and how to assess the performance of new measures. They also translated years of study findings into knowledge, advice and practical tools for researchers, practitioners and analysts.
In 2016, we made three new additions to our set of toolboxes:
Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP)
The Global Wetlands Map – an interactive online map that invites scientists worldwide complete the picture of these carbon-rich ecosystems, which are critical to the fight against climate change.
Read the story. Watch the video. Use the map.
All SWAMP toolboxes >
Global Comparative Study on REDD+
CarboScen – a simple bookkeeping tool to compute ecosystem carbon in dynamic landscapes and develop future land management scenarios.
All GCS-REDD+ toolboxes >
Photo by N. Sujana/CIFOR.